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How to Stay in Your Home Longer

 If you're considering downsizing your home or moving into a nursing home, there are some things you can do to stay in your home longer. First, consider the services that you currently use and need. Do you have a caregiver who helps out with cleaning and cooking? If so, make sure they know what they can help with and what they should not do. Make an inventory of any medical equipment that is in your home and ensure that it is properly maintained by the staff at your nursing home or assisted living facility. Next, look at the house itself. Is there enough space for all of the furniture? Do you have enough closet space to store all of your clothes? Are there any hazards like slippery floors or dangerous objects like sharp knives where someone could get hurt? Finally, make sure that pets are safe in the house by making sure all doors are locked securely when no one is present; also be sure that any poisonous plants have been removed from the premises so that anyone who might be allerg...

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